Be sure to enter this weeks awesome give-a-way over here and see what you can win.
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I recently received this bracelet and
I just love Love LOVE LOVE LOVE it-
I got it from Brag About It.
She is one of my Sponsors and I have to tell you, you would have thought she had known me for years.
She got every detail perfect.
She covered everything–it is just perfect. I could not have made it more perfect myself.
She did each of the kids names with their birth stone and then added another brag for their “nick name”–because all of our kiddos name start with G, we call them the G-Force and each one is G1, G2, G3,& G4. So they each had G1,…etc by their name. Love it
I just LOVE the chunky bracelet. It is so perfect.
Not only does it have the Mother brag and the heart but a puffy heart too.
Then in the middle she has My hubby and my names together
with each of our birth stones
then a little P brag for our last name and
the G-Force brag.
I HIGHLY recommend working with Melissa from Brag About It. She has an etsy store so go check it out. My bracelet was a custom piece, so if you don’t see exactly what you want, she can custom make something PERFECT–
She was so wonderful to work with–Thanks a million Melissa-I huge Puffy heart love my bracelet.
I am sure many of you have some of these ugly floral vases:
I took the ugly vase and some Mod Podge
And some tissue paper
I doesn’t matter what color.
I coated the glass with Mod Podge and covered it in tissue paper,
let it dry then add another layer.
Make sure you wrap around the top and down into the vase an inch or 2.
I did 4 or 5 layers.
Doesn’t it looked so lovely?
Now before you click off your screen and wonder WHY I was invited, please stay with me a few more minutes.
I promise you will not recognize this when we are done.
Once it was all dry I painted over the tissue paper with khaki craft paint.
Now we are getting somewhere.
I had seen some pieces at Pottery Barn that I really liked. My vase wasn’t shaped the same but I knew I could give it that over all look.
I love the white wash on these:
If you look closely at the one with the yellow flowers, it has that crackled texture.
So I began white washing it.
I then added some crackle to it
I am really loving how this is coming out
I went back in with a paper towel and some of the kahki paint and rubbed it in a few areas.
In other areas I dry brushed some on, in different areas –to give it some depth.
So what do you think?
I hope you love it as much as I do and rather than pitching that ugly vase, next time look at that vase and imagine what you could make it look like.
I don’t think it looks like glass at all.
I just love how it came out.
I think it would be perfect with some beautiful dried Hydrangeas.
I just have to find someone who will send me some. We don’t have Hydrangeas down here in Florida.
Here are some other fun projects I have done:
Here’s another PB knock off that I did-My PB lamp-I made this lampshade and then decided it wasn’t my style so now I want to do a knock off of a PB lampshade I found that I like so much better.
I was asked this past week WHAT IS A BLOG HOP and what is the difference.
YOU GRAB the code for the BLOG HOP (down there –do you see it?) and add it to your BLOG–let your followers know to grab it, add to it and pass it on as well.
Because it gets your projects more recognition ALL OVER blogland. It gets picked up by your followers and by time it has been passed down 4 or 5 blogs later–you are getting noticed by people who have never heard of your blog.
So grab the BLOG HOP and increase your coverage and get new followers without much work on your part at all.
Seriously–we are always looking for new ways to reach people and this is one of the easiest ways ever.
I will add to some of these parties:

Show Your Stuff

{ 16 comments… read them below or add one }
I like this idea — I just spent the afternoon poking around at thrift stores, and the local GW has a million of these vases. My daughter is getting married in August, and we were thinking we might rent vases for branches for the centerpieces, but now I think I will have her look at this idea!
Cheri, it looks great! I know I owe you an e-mail – I’m going to send you one in the next few days. It’s been crazy! xo
That is amazing, Cheri! I think I got rid of most of those vases last year at a yard sale I did with my sister {we were cleaning out thinking we’d be moving}. That bracelet looks great. That would be nice for my Mom; although it would have to wait until Christmas, because I’d like to get the great-granddaughter on there and she’s not due until the end of July. I’llsave her Etsy in my Favorites though.
Email me your address any time. I have several hydrangea bushes and I’d be happy to send you some of the flowers. When they bloom I cut them off all the time and bring them in the house to dry naturally.
The vase is gorgeous, you did such a wonderful job transforming it! The bracelet, oh my, I love it! Have a wonderful week!
Love you PB vase! I have a bunch of those ugly flower vases around here – now I know what to do with them!
Thanks for hosting this great party every week!
Love you bracelet…..darling.
The vase is awsome, I think I can do this. I will try.
I just wanted to let you know that something went weird and my post is on their twice so feel free to delete #35 tutu skirt giveaway. I’m not if the link window was still open and I confused it with another party I was posting to or what but so sorry for the double post
What a beautiful bracelet!! You are so creative! I am so very glad I stopped by!
Hi Cheri…I left you a comment about how happy I am to have your button back on my Monday Link Party sidebar…but I think I must have put it in another comment day..Sorry..Thanks for all your support & help..If I have learned anything about’s that there are the neatest people out there…bloggers!!! I have found most to be best friend types & so supportive of each other!!! That’s really saying something in this day & age..Anyway I wanted you to know I am trying your blog hop for the 1st time since my McLinky party did not work today..but alas I’m encouraged because the blog hop link worked & now I have my 1st blog hop post under my belt..Thanks for eveything..good friend!!! Barb @
Hi Friend! I LOVE the bracelet! That is so pretty and perfect with all the nicknames. The vase is great too! You are so talented! Have a great day!
Hi Barb @ santagiftshoppe again..I was having trouble putting my link in your blog hop (McLinky & I have had a hard time together today) & now that I have the blog hop on my blog I saw that it took my link 2 times..Just wanted to let you know I was sorry about that.. Mclinky would not enter the link the first time so i did it again.. thus the 2 times.. B
hey, love the site. Especially the schedule up top….will be back for sure! plus i will add your party to my link party list. check my site out when you get a chance!
The vase turned out awesome. I am just not crafty like that, so I am glad to find people who are so I can use their ideas. 😉
Thanks so much again for hosting Cheri!!
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Meet Virginia!
I love your vase/jar. I featured it at Hope this helps drive some traffic your way!
LUV! LUV! LUV! The vase idea…I have several “ugly” vases as well and I am going to have to give this a try. Thanks for sharing!