Cheri Peoples

Zagg with me– New Technology To Make Life Easier

by CHERI on March 11, 2013

On this journey to optimal health, I have become a health coach, and with that, has come some additional changes…
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beyond my weight loss
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and what foods are good for you when you are in weight loss and which ones are OK after you are at your goal weight.

Coaching people to optimal health is so rewarding.

…but coaching other people to optimal health means I am on the phone a lot.

As I am out and about and talking on the phone with clients and prospective clients I sometimes cringe when I look at the bar on my phone and know I am about out of battery.

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When Viv from the V Spot shared this great new tool, I knew I needed one.

I love it.

Now I can charge my phone up to 4 times, while I am on the go–who knew you could charge your phone from your purse. I don’t need to find some place to plug in so I don’t lose a call.

This is the one I ordered. It is about half the price of the newer models. I noticed that the price would change when I refreshed–sometimes it would come up a little lower than this.

They do have some that only charge once or twice but for the price it really isn’t that good of a deal compared to the 4 charge.

They also have a new model.

I did not receive this product for a review– I am just sharing something that I bought and have found to be very beneficial.

It will be great when we are traveling and on the road, for long trips or when we are running around Disney World.

I do receive a small earning if you buy through my Amazon Store.

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